Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sri Lanka trip

Pequeno clip (3min30seg) da viagem ao Sri Lanka. Soundtrack pertence a uma banda local para turista e todo o material audiovisual e nosso. Por motivos de tamanho do ficheiro e fraca ligacao a internet em Kuala Lumpur a qualidade do video nao e a melhor.

Leave a comment!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Auroville - September/October 2008

"Auroville wants to be a universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities. The purpose of Auroville is to realise human unity."

Auroville Charter
Auroville belongs to nobody in particular. Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole. But to live in Auroville, one must be the willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness.
Auroville will be the place of an unending education, of constant progress, and a youth that never ages.
Auroville wants to be the bridge between the past and the future. Taking advantage of all discoveries from without and from within, Auroville will boldly spring towards future realisations.
Auroville will be a site of material and spiritual researches for a living embodiment of an actual Human Unity.

Between the 9th of September and the 4th of November i had the unique experience to be one of a few in the world able to testimony a special laboratory for human experiment in a unique and exquisite place in southern India. AUROVILLE. The Vision behind it is rather inspiring, the dream breathtaking, the language and the symbols are mystical, powerfull and for many reasons it is a place where people from everywhere in the world converge in a search from something else, something more. There are those who come to study the aparent anarchy organization - Noam Chomsky followers -, or even the economic system based on voluntary work, local closed economy, those who come to follow a spiritual path through yoga and also those you come for some vacations and out of simple curiosity. My motive was a mix of all these and some more.

During my father's short and rainy visit he commented: "Auroville is like an alien colony, being the Matrimandir the spaceship and the Aurovillians the aliens". Inspiring thought, mainly if ones come from messy stressy India and finds itself within the icy white silence of the Matrimandir or spots a few hundred yellow head kids playing soccer, basket ball or Capoeira while others do Meditation or Tai chi. In some respects this community is a cultural and social island somewhere lost in India or in the world. I would not call them Aliens but the methafor used examplifies one of the carachteristics of the community: its true experimental side that distances itself from what we have known so far.

If we had to label Auroville politically it would fit most definitly within what is known as Anarchy. Probably not as Bakunin defined it 200 years before but as a logical evolution best described by Chomsky. (I do stress these 2 free thinkers because their work is worthy to understand what is really Anarchy) However there are subtle hierarchis most expressed by the decisions taken by the Auroville Foundation on some key matters and the process to became an Aurovillian. Still it can be stated as a case study by any socio-political researcher.
It is important to distinguish between two different worlds (economically speaking) in Auroville. In one we can place all visitors and Guests who will be normal agents as in any other civilized society; in another totally different are the newcomers and Aurovillians for which there is a very special and very interesting low scale system. It consists on community work, re-invested profit and closed local economy. Here, the idea is to be auto-sustained with minimal environmental impact and getting everyone involved in the work being done for the community beniefit, producing high value products for external markets in order to finance internal research, investment and produce all the basic products for the community necessites. Honestly, this back to the roots, free tarde economy can work but only in very small scales and for a closed community not being a real study case for real world economics.
A great melting pot. In 2000 constant inhabitants you can find more than 45 nations from all continents and all imaginable backgrounds. At this level Auroville is very rich, too much one might even say. The people and their unity is what gives all the physical structures a life and its character. The diversity allows for a wide offer of activities and pratices, world views and even spiritual points but instead of being an impedment for progress and cohesion it is what gives the unity its strenght. Under all those different faces and hearts there's a common feeling of repulse towards our bureaucratic and vicious systems of laws and rules that control men ability to freely develop, our unfair and manipulated economic system and an awful and distruthful political system. They come on a search for something else, something more. Spirituality and freedom are present everywhere and altought it may seem a chaotic and rather non-progressal community, people evolve and learn much from what they see and experience here, I DID. In the end it all comes to the point that it all depends on your openess of heart and mind.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

INDIA - Auroville

most unfortunatly i could finish the daily report on our trip top the middle east but after Nuweiba we went to Cairo, Alexandria, Dahab, and Israel - Eljat, Jerusalem and tel Aviv. Photos will come along with a short description soon.

By now, and after a pit stop in POrtugal, i'm already in INDIA, more precisely Auroville.
Soon i will post pictures and news from this new experience but by now you can search the website, its worth it!!

Take care.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

03/08 - Nuweiba

After a painkilling night ferry from Aqaba to Nuweiba, we badly needed some rest. And we got it!

Nuweiba is an egyptian resort for Israli people that was totally empty. An idiallyc place within paradise beaches, hot water, reefs for snorkling everything but that due to political reasons we found as a ghost city! We were received as kings and treated as such...its a shame and a great deal for those wanting to get out of the egyptian Las vegas - AKA Sharm-el-sheik. It can also be a great strating point to explore the desert with a Bedouin.

Next Stop Cairo, going trough the Sinai!!

31/07, 1/8 e 2/08- Aqaba

2 hour south from Petra is the strategic city of Aqaba. Being the only port of Jordan it is one of the main gateways to the transport of people and goods coming from the Red Sea and beyond.

Besides that, aqaba is sold, turist wise, as the perfect diving place in the red sea.

Well....we were extremly disappointed. The city itself is pretty basic and unworth any visit; The diving/snorkeling is quite pleasent but for me same price you can get much more in Sinai; it even doesn't have the party atmosphere of the neighbor Eljat..summing up: if your aim its to dive continue to Sinai, to party go to Eljat to sleep go to Egypt.

Curiosly we had our first Mcdonald's meal in 1 month..

Transport tip:

DON'T EVER TAKE THE FERRY TO NUWEIBA!!!Besides being too expensive ($60) its also too slow and uncomfortable - we had to wait for 6 hours to get in..there was people sleeping chaos..who would have guessed??Still i had some interesting conversation about the other side of the story - to be posted soon!

You are much better off taking the way across the border..

Thursday, August 14, 2008

29 Julho: Amman - Wadi Mussa (Moise's Valley)

For those who feel Jordan as a developed country while walking in the fancy streets of Amman should try their transport service to remind themselves of where they are. Most turists come to Jordan through all-arranged tours, in and of tour buses, and never see the big mess of a country that lies beneath. For those individually trying to get from Amman to Petra there are only 3 options:

a) either you join one of those pre-arranged tours
b) get a taxi to drive you
c) or, you take the minibus as everyone else!!!What an experience...i will tell our experience and you can jugde by yourselves

In our hostel we asked for the bus schedule but it was told us that it is non-existence and we'd better go there early. So we did..bargained a taxi to the main bus station - 15 min out of Amman - and there we were. Quite easily we found the "platform" from where the bus was about to arrive and leave (they told us any moment and it took 1h30min) and waited. When everyone saw the bus coming they didn't even let it stop and they all got inside while the bus was moving...just like 30 sec it was full and throughing people off!!Altought we were there before anybody else we had no sit..again we waited and 30 min after we got a new shot and this time..NO MERCY!!!We got a tiny spot for both and the bags, payed 2 or 3 times more than the locals but we were on the bus on our way to Petra!!!An adventure that real exemplifies the mess of the transport system. It happened again for us from Petra to Aqaba. No time-tables and no fix prices..worse than in Syria or Turkey!!!



Petra - recently considered as one of the seven wonders of the world this red-rose stone carved city, home of an ancient people - the Nabatiens - deserves it all. Its a magical and overwhelming place that should be on the 'to-do's-list' of every traveller. From 8am till 6pm we walked, climbed and trekked, sweat out our bodies to exaustion in order to see and feel every place, to enjoy every moment. A great day in a very special place.