Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Budapest, Paris of the East, PART II

Day 2, Saturday the 24th of February

Saturday, our first day to see Budapest by daylight, takes us on a long stroll. We are going to see about 80% of Budapest. Highlights of that day are the St. Stephen’s Basilica, the Great Market Hall, the Gellert Hill with the Citadel, and the Royal castle.

Our first hotspot is the St. Stephen’s Basilica located in Pest, an interesting basilica due to its grandeur and interior. It is named in honor of Stephen, the first King of Hungary (c. 9751038), whose mummified fist is housed in the reliquary. Along with the Hungarian Parliament Building, it is the tallest building of Budapest (96 m).
The place is huge and seems to pop up out of nowhere. The outsides appealed to me as it gives a majestic image. Unfortunately we didn’t get to the top of the building. We had no guide book and only later found out that this was possible. The top gives a great view over the city.
They have done a great job in creating an ‘over the top’ interior, which forms a sharp contrast with the reality; a lot of unemployment and people who can barely get by vs. a basilica that could easily compete with the top 10 of MTV’s CRIBS.

St. Stephen's Basilica

Souvenirs and food
The Great Market Hall is a pleasure for your appetite.
Downstairs the area is filled with little stalls offering many kinds of fruit, vegetables, meat and other culinary goods. Upstairs you can go and shop for some typical Hungarian souvenirs and food.
After at least 30 minutes of deciding what to buy, Eefje and me bought a little Hungarian secret box as a souvenir (for 1800 HUF); an interesting piece of equipment, especially when you have your friends trying to figure out how it opens and they can’t work it out!
The guys couldn’t wait that long for the shopping girls (very reasonable) and went for an interesting lunch.
Barry enjoyed a delicious goulash, Pedro had roast potatoes with sausages, Eefje went for a sandwich, and Filipe and I shared a very tasty rice dish with cabbage. Is there anyone familiar with that last dish?

After the market hall the Gellert Hill was our next stop. It gives a great view on the two parts, Buda and Pest and provided us with a short warm up on a cold day in Budapest.

The group on the Gellert Hill

A hint of Irish culture
After a long walk we had to go shopping… again!
We decided on Friday we had to make a visit to the thermal baths on Sunday. What we didn’t know, is that we needed a bathing custom in order to enter the thermal baths.
One hour later 3 of us had a new bathing custom and the other 2 could borrow some from Adrien. With our new outfits we joined Barry later on in Beckett’s for a rugby match between Ireland and England.
Beckett’s had a great atmosphere, beer flowing over the counter and a cheering crowd. To Barry’s (and therefore our) great satisfaction, Ireland won!

I am a big supporter of trying out local culinary delights as much as possible…especially since I studied sustainable tourism.
Well… sometimes it happens that traditional food requires some effort to get to….as we were on our way home to get a nap we wanted something quick to eat. I am not a big fan of fast food chains…but Burger King pulled us in and those whoppers and brownies with ice cream sure taste good.

Nightlife, Old Man’s music pub
In the evening we went to the Old Man’s Pub.
Old Man’s is a ‘Western’ pub with Eastern crowd. You can jump right into balkan culture while listening to cheesy music. It was packed to the max when we got there and the small dance floor is easily filled. Going downstairs means entering the lions cave….maffia owned?
As Pedro and Filipe were rather keen on breathing they left earlier, Old Man’s is a smoke filled area.
The three of us stayed and enjoyed some music with new Dutch friends we made there.
Conclusion: it is a bit of a pick up joint for ‘guys’ with money and girls who definitely want some.
Address : VII. Akácfa u. 13.

Dutch crowd in Old Man

Budapest, Paris of the East, PART I

3 days in Budapest from February 23rd till the 25th With 5 friends, Filipe (Portugal), Pedro (Portugal), Eefje (The Netherlands), Barry (Ireland), and me (Floor, The Netherlands) we leave Friday the 23rd of February by car to Budapest. Here’s the story of our wonderful road trip to Budapest… Day 1 We would need about 5 to 6 hours to get to Budapest. But with a ‘pit’ stop in Maribor for a cold Laško (Slovene beer), a dinner and 2 hours of ghost riding from the border of Slovenia into Hungary we eventually get there 8 hours later. 8 very pleasant hours though. With Filipe as our personal chauffeur, Eefje our smiley guardian, Pedro our funny model, Barry our new talented soprano, and me as sleeping beauty.

Budapest has been the location of protests and violent riots for the last 3 months. The 2006 protests in Hungary are a series of anti-government protests triggered by the release of Hungarian Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány's private speech in which he confessed that his Hungarian Socialist Party had lied to win the 2006 election. Most of the events took place in Budapest and in some other cities. During our visit we get to see a glimpse of the protests that are still going on.

The riots caused Jim, our host, a lot of empty beds in his hostel. As his new guests we are therefore warmly welcomed. When we arrive at hostel August (the cheapest we could find); an introduction from Jim of 15 minutes about Budapest goes with booking a room. Jim’s looks remind me a little of Robert Downey jr.

He kindly requests us to be very quiet when leaving the building because of the neighbors. We have to imagine being Ninja’s, Jim tells us. Barry seems to do an excellent job at that it appears later…our ‘adult mutant hero turtle’.

After our introduction we’re off into the nightlife of Budapest with Adrien (Belgium, Bruxelles). Adrien is a friend of mine who studies international relations in Budapest. He takes us to Szimpla by an old electric bus, an experience on its own. Why? Because we get to jump on the bus for free joining an unfamiliar ‘ex-communist’ crowd.
Szimpla is a great place for some first drinks in the evening or an ‘after party conversation’ to talk about life. Located in District VII, freewheeling quarter of Budapest. Szimpla is an alternative Mecca located in an apartment courtyard with a free spirited and relaxed atmosphere. Definitely worth a visit, if not your taste the looks of the place itself are a must see. Like someone wrote on his blog “Of all the bars in Budapest, this is the one you should walk into”.
(Address : VII. Kertész u. 48.) (site:

Ski day in Krvavec!!

Terça-feira 27 de Fevereiro: Dia de Ski em Krvavec ( com muito sol, muita neve e boa companhia..Para quem quiser saber mais fica aqui o link, para aqueles que quiserem viver a experiência ao vivo: APAREÇAM!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Mais fotos..

Como prometido junto mais algumas fotos deste fim-de-semana animado.


Caros amigos, nos passados dias 22-24 de Fev ocorreu uma expedição portuguesa com parcerias holandesas e irlandesas à capital Hungara, Budapeste. O país, bem como a sua capital revelaram-se uma faca de dois gumes: estradas com paisagens magníficas mas com condutores "marroquinos" - não reconhecem sentidos de tráfego ou sinais de trânsito; edíficos magnânimos a revelar toda uma história imperial mas sujos, abandonados, tristemente desprezados; locais de calma, tranquilidade e paz a contrastar com pessoas frias, distantes e pouco "friendly". De qualquer maneira aqui ficam algumas fotos, outras viram mais tarde.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Carnaval em terras eslovenas..

Ficam aqui alguns dos melhores fatos..


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Carnaval é em Torres!!! espirito..e muita...mas muita gente mascarada...só mesmo em plena Torres Vedras...

deixo só aqui um cheirinho da grd noite de 2f para 3f...a melhor!!!

jokas e 1 especial pa ti*

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Some pictures

Benne..da outra vez foi conversa mas desta ficam com algumas fotos!

See you next time

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Dober dan...

Zravo moj prijatel,

how's life?
Quanto a mim estou de volta a eslovenia..nao ha neve, ja ha euros mas de resto continua tudo na mesma boa onda.Quem quiser aparecer para umas cervejinhas o prazo acaba em meados de marco, depois disso teram d fazer mais alguns quilometros ate a Servia..
Anyway, fotogrofias muito giras sarita..;)


Beijos e Abracos

Friday, February 9, 2007

Chegada à selvagem grande!Já não era sem tempo..( a viagem até foi simpática com a curta - mas sempre adrenérgica...- visita das baleias ).

Simpática ou não o melhor mesmo é o descanso à chegada. O pior da ressaca é a desarrumação..(o que vale é o que o espaço não é infinito e vai daí a desarrumação também não):P
Depois disto a fomeca aperta..e chega a hora de pôr todos ao corrente de tudo. Contam-se (ou recontam-se pela enésima x's) as viagens recentes e antigas, acrescentam-se nós (muitos) ao vento que se encontrou, e se as mulheres também bilhardam (gíria madeirense, = falam da vida dos outros) aqui não é diferente para os homens. Contudo, 1/2 do que se diz é da responsabilidade das gramas a mais no sangue e 1/2 do que se ouve já ninguém se lembra no dia seguinte!!
Na imagem à esq está o navegador que levou, para quem se recorda, um "xavelha" de câmara de lobos (género de canoa de pesca) da madeira até LX (expo98).

Em bx, à esq: Momento dramático em que os conhecimentos de mecânica fizeram falta (motor caput) e remas..ou remas.
Em baixo, à dir., o "paitrocinador", melhor vivã de todos os tempos**

A ida à Gruta do Capitão KID é mandatória. Conta a lenda que o C. KID escondeu um tesouro numas ilhas, talvez nas Ilhas Selvagens. Ao que parece estas Ilhas - que têm uma looonga história, sobre a qual não me vou debruçar - foram procuradas pelos mais ambiciosos. Se o tesouro nunca existiu, ou se existiu e já foi encontrado não se sabe.O facto é que existe uma gruta enorme, de muito dificil e relativamente perigoso acesso, com uma escavação tão funda que mesmo iluminada não se consegue ver o fundo. Na gruta ouve-se o respirar do mar e apercebemo-nos, sem dúvida, o que se encontra no fundo da escavação. O curioso, é a forma regular desta escavação, fazendo descrer uma erosão natural.

Como não podemos ficar cá para sempre..rumo à S. Pequena (de bote não, está claro...embora - como tudo no mar - já houve quem o fizesse). Comitting insanities is the best way to keep sain!

Altura de subir ao pico mais alto da ilha, o Pico do Veado, de 40 metros(além de ser pequena também não cresceu muito...- talvez porque destes lados ninguém puxa as orelhas de ninguém).
E se a civilização está longe, imaginação é o que não falta. De um contentor fez-se um T 0, ou será (-)1?, e dos destroços que dão à costa um mini HClub.
Note-se que o referido To (visível na fotografia mais acima) é enterrado todos os anos, isto porque a subida do mar por altura do Inverno, e o clima em geral, não permitem a estadia na lha nesta época (mais moderno e inovador do que fazia prever!).

As viagens à Selvagem são mais frequentes nos anos em que se realiza a Regata Canárias-Madeira . Esta regata ocorre todos os anos ímpares. Devido ao aniversãrio dos 500 anos da cidade do Funchal, a comemorar em 2008, este evento atrasa agora um ano, sendo a próxima em 2008.

Por fim, hora de partir. Até para o ano!