(On the request of some friends the official language of the blog will be english from now on..hope you understand)
Following what is becaming our sunday habit/tradition, this morning we were in our route to Amman, capital of Jordan. Altought only 200 km away, our journey lastest for 5.30h due to border traffic and bureaucracy.
2 special notes:
American jeeps - One of the highlights when crossing a border in these countries is to see the huge American GMC jeeps all from Saudi Arabia or Kuwait completly full of people and trash and totally sand dirty from crossing the deserts....its their place: cheap (almost free) fuel and big roads!
I will also add that Syria could be a great place to buy old american cars very cheap as they are everywhere..its unbeliavle the amount of lincolns, Chevrolet, Mustang that you can find in the streets of Damascus or Aleppo.
Departure Taxes - I still can't understand - and nobody could explain me - why here we have to pay an exit tax. It seems like one more measure to take money from turists...10 euros in Syria, 5 for Jordan, 5 for Egypt..even for Israel!!
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